Wednesday, 21 October 2020

Read My Essay, How Fact and Fiction Belong Together


"Like anyone who spends his days working as a journalist and his nights as a fiction writer, I sometimes wonder which of these diametrically opposed professions, if either, I’m better suited for. More often, though, I wonder whether it’s possible to be one without being the other."

So begins my essay in Litbreak Magazine that examines the authors and books that had the greatest influence on my writing career and that explores the role certain news stories played in writing my first novel.

Click here to read the full essay.

Monday, 28 September 2020

My short story, This Heaven and Hell We Create, published in Litbreak Magazine

This Heaven and Hell We Create is a short story picked up by Litbreak Magazine in September 2020. It gives a taste of my novel, No, You're Crazy, scheduled for release by Roundfire Books in May 2023. In this harrowing look at mental illness and neurodiversity, a runaway teenage girl beset by guilt and suicidal thoughts seeks comfort and salvation in her own tangled reality. Somewhere between exploring how we define who we are and examining the power of faith and survival, this story dares ask, Who gets to decide what’s real?

Click here to read this short story.

Friday, 7 August 2020

My short story, The Lost Sounds, published in Consequence Magazine


The Lost Sounds is a haunting story about the search for the qualities that make us human. When a former street kid begins working with a war journalist, he finds a harsher answer than he expected in a windswept Iraqi desert. Consequence Magazine, an international literary magazine focusing on the culture and consequences of war, published this story online on August 7, 2020. While The Lost Sounds is a standalone story, it is also a small piece of my novel, No, You're Crazy, scheduled for release by Roundfire Books in May 2023.

Click here to read The Lost Sounds.